Later that night, the architect hears strange sounds, and when he goes out to investigate, he is killed by a mysterious force. The manager of the haveli, MK, discusses how the owner of the haveli wishes to have it torn down and have a hotel constructed in its place. An architect arrives at a large haveli (manor house).

The film opens in the year 1920 at Palampur, India. a must watch only in nights.i guarantee u that it will make u sleepless nights. Side characters -Costumes VERY BAD:-Songs- Music -Background Score FINAL VERDICT:- It is a must watch ghost movie. *Story *Screenplay *Direction - feels u real FEAR experience *Locations - fabulous AVERAGE:-Performance of the actor -Cinematography - dark locations as it plays in the year 1920. VERY GOOD:- *Sound effects and visual effects : by EFX *Horror Scenes : with more thrills and chills *Performance of the both actresses : they looks very beautiful. * It is an HORROR flick about a couple stay in a Haunted Building. It turns out the architect who was engaged before him was killed in a similar manner some time ago.

1920 (A)-my Rating: 4/5 VERY GOOD * It is an HORROR flick about a couple stay in a Haunted Building.